About Me

my profile pic

Name: Rowan Wood
Pseudonym: RowDog

Favorite Foods

Favorite Movies

  1. Enemy of the state
  2. Law abiding citizen

a List of Skills I wish to acquire
why i am interested in developing my Skills Developing my skills as a Web Developer and why

  1. what skills i want to develop
    • My planning skills
    • My team working skills
    • My code writing skills
  2. Why i want to develop these skills
    1. Potentially further my career
    2. Because i like to learn
    3. i will become a better teacher
      • to help my kids to develop there computer skills from an early age
Wilhelm Scream

demonstration of html audio


a youtube video i created quickly
to add to the page

Start Of The Form

a little form

Form Inputs

Area with tools used to learn and try new things


See the Pen Sidebar navigation with tooltips ver.2 by MrDiamondDirt (@mrdiamonddirt) on CodePen.

Link to LinkedINtm Post about the Previous Repo/Lesson